The filtrate formed by the nephrons in the kidney is NOT urine. The filtrate is first refined and concentrated by the processes of __________, which form the urine that leaves the body. (Choose all that apply)

Respuesta :

The filtrate is first refined and concentrated by the processes of reabsorption and secretion, which form the urine that leaves the body.

Process of filtration in kidney:

The glomerulus filters your blood, and the tubule restores necessary substances to your blood while removing waste. The glomerulus is nestled within a region of the kidney called the Bowman's Capsule. This is where filtration occurs. The high pressure causes some substances to pass through the capillary walls when blood is forced through the tiny capillaries. The walls serve as a filter or sieve. This is how the function of the nephron. A glomerulus filters your blood, while a tubule restores necessary substances to your circulation while removing extra waste. Each nephron has both of these functions.

Learn more about filtration here: