1111 is the greatest common divisor of all numbers.
Lets simplify the problem,
1234 + 4321 = 5555
2345 + 5432 = 7777
3456 + 6543 = 9999
4567 + 7654 = 12221
5678 + 8765 = 14443
6789 + 9876 = 16665
After it , we get:
5555 _=_ 101 * 11 * 5
7777 = 101 * 11 * 7
9999 = 101 * 11 * 3 * 3
12221 = 101 * 11 * 11
14443 = 101 * 11 * 13
16665 = 101 * 11 * 3 * 5
abcd(5555, 7777, 9999, 12221, 14443, 16665) = 101 * 11 = 1111
Hence we get 1111 is the greatest common divisor.
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