Being a physically active and fit person is a major source of self-esteem for Niraj. According to Terror Management Theory, when reminded of death, Niraj will be more likely to exercise. People want to feel secure in the face of death, which is why they try to improve their self-esteem.
More about Terror Management Theory:
When confronted with reminders of death or a sense of self-esteem, people exhibit self-protective emotional and cognitive responses (including adhering more strongly to their cultural worldview and prejudices).
Why was this developed?
Developed by psychologists to understand human behavior Becker was a Freudian (Denial of Death) knowing we will die creates anxiety that motivated our behaviors
About Culture:
Culture is a collective collaboration that helps in dealing with the death anxiety cultural arrangements have evolved to help us deal with our own mortality religion soothes anxiety the soul lives forever when the literal world fails us, we move to the symbolic
Learn more about Terror Management Theory here: