Mutual Respect and Consideration- relationship in which people can be tolerant of different viewpoints and is thoughtful about the rights of others and not harming their self-esteem.
More about mutual respect and consideration:
Respect does not imply ignoring or simply tolerating people's differences. Rather, it entails recognising differences, comprehending their significance, and responding with curiosity, politeness, and concern.
Mutual respect is also based on a shared belief in the benefits of diversity in your team's backgrounds, abilities, and perspectives.
However, it also entails looking beyond differences. You avoid labelling people in unhelpful ways when you have mutual respect. Instead, you celebrate the unique qualities that each of us brings - and capitalise on everything we share.
Mutual disrespect not only impedes your work, but it can also harm your relationships and self-esteem. It may also lead to illegal or unethical behaviour such as bullying or harassment.
Learn more about self-esteem here: