The relationship between the caterpillars and milkweed is characterized by - for the milkweed and + for the caterpillar
The monarch butterfly can only survive if it feeds on milkweed during its whole life cycle. Because monarch butterfly larvae, also known as caterpillars, can only feed on milkweed, this species of butterfly is also known as the "milkweed butterfly."The female monarch butterfly lay her eggs on the bottom of the milkweed leaves, which will offer the developing larvae protection as they grow. The big leaves function similarly to umbrellas, protecting the eggs from the excessive heat of the summer sun and providing cover from the heavy downpours. In addition, the leaves provide a wonderful place to conceal oneself from any predators that might be interested in eating the eggs before the larva hatches. As soon as the eggs hatch, the larvae will begin to feed on the leaves of the milkweed plants. For the first few days of their lives, they will consume food continuously, day and night. The milkweed provides the young caterpillars with more than just food while they develop. Milkweed offers a one-of-a-kind defence against predators to both the monarch butterfly larvae and the adult butterflies. The larvae consume a significant proportion of the milkweed plant's dangerous compounds since the milkweed plant itself contains poisonous elements. As a result, the monarch butterfly themselves become poisonous.
Learn more about monarch butterflies and milkweed here :