Newborns are born with innate abilities to aid in their survival. Crying is an example of an innate ability.
Innate can be described as something that is in you from the time of birth and you don't have to acquire it in one lifetime. It is like an inbuilt feature of newborns.
Newborns are usually referred from birth to 2 months and they are very delicate in this period as they are exposed to a lot of external environment components and stimuli along with the human reactions towards them and their body and mind slowly learn to respond to them accordingly.
for example, we make weird faces in front of kinds which make them happy, sometimes even a normal activity makes them laugh aloud, walking, swinging, a quick round makes them feel good. Similarly, sometimes they may not like these activities and cry or do not even react to some other.
These reactions by newborns are inbuilt and we don't teach them these. They understand the things happening in their surroundings and respond to them according to their comfort.
Newborns don't have to learn to laugh and cry thus, these reactions are considered innate which is a part of our biological system that is done by the child on his own.
A baby cries immediately after birth. We don't have to teach him to cry that is why crying is considered the first language of babies.
Learn more about Newborns here