Purpose of a command climate assessment is to determine the health and functioning effectiveness of an organization:
More about command climate:
The perceptions that everyone has of the workplace's shared behaviours, customs, and practices are known as the command climate (Ehrhart, Schneider, & Macey, 2014). The leadership establishes the command climate, which is subsequently learned through social interactions and observations.
How is it useful?
A. Aids in the detection, identification, and understanding of risks and strengths that a unit can use to keep enhancing the performance and well-being of the organisation.
B. Is a component of an all-encompassing prevention strategy that makes use of a wide range of tools (DEOCS, one-on-one and group interviews, records and reports, and observation data) that are integrated into prevention activities using research-based information.
C. Involves commanders, EO professionals, civilians, and service members in identifying risks and opportunities that lead to workable solutions that benefit the organisation and its people.
Know more about the climate here: