Respuesta :


I'm not a scholar of hydroelectric power in Nepal, so consider my answers carefully, below.


High Potential:  Hydroelectric power comes from the potential energy stored in a mass that is above Earth's surface.  As the word "hydro" implies, the mass in this case is water.  Water from snow and glacier melt, and from normal precipitation (rain) in mountainous regions eventually cascades down the mountains in fast-flowing rivers or waterfalls.  Often, there are lakes or man-made reservoirs to collect and store the water before it flows down.  Mt. Everest is 8848 meters tall (about 29,000 feet).    If a lake forms at just 2,000 meters, one can calculate the amount of energy in each kilogram of water stored in the lake that represents the potential energy available at that altitude.  1 kg of water at 2,000 meters has potential energy, PE, according to the equation:  PE = mgh, where m is the mass in kg, g is Earth's acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/sec^2), and h is height, in meters.  

PE = mGH

PE = (1 kg)*(9.8 m/sec^2)*(2,000 meters) = 19,000 kg*m/sec^2

1 kg*m/sec^2 is the SI unit for 1 Joule, a measure of energy.

This potential energy can be converted into electrical energy by releasing the water so that it can flow down to a water-powered turbine that spins magnets and coils of wire that produce electricity.  The 19,000 Joules of water potential energy can be converted to electrical power, less any inefficiency in the system, such as friction.

Nepal has the natural advantage in that it has many high mountain ranges with water flows that can be used for generating electrical power.  The result is low operating costs (the fuel is the flowing water) and no greenhouse gas emissions

The difficulty in developing hydroelectric power in Nepal is due to the same factor that gives it an advantage:  it is difficult constructing large hydroelectric plants in such rough terrain, and the power lines that are needed to transport the power to its destination are expensive and difficult to maintain and repair.