The breakeven time of the project is 3.50 years
The net present value of the project is $10,575.80
The requirement, in this case, is to determine the payback period(breakeven time) and the project's net present value.
The breakeven time means the number of years it takes to recoup the initial investment, and the number of years it would take for the annual cash flows to be the same as the initial investment, also known as the payback period.
Note for an investment that has even annual cash flows, breakeven time is the initial investment divided by the annual cash flow
breakeven time=$10,495/$3,000
breakeven time=3.50 years
The net present value is the present value of future cash flows for the 10 years minus the initial investment
PV of annual cash flow=annual cash flow*PVA of $1
From the table,7% for 10 years, would give PVA is 7.0236(PVA table, check 7% under year 10)
PV of cash flows=$3,000*7.0236
PV of cash flows=$ 21,070.80
NPV=$21,070.80- $10,495
The computation of breakeven time and net present value can be further understood looking the below.