what does this say in english

To: The Gomez family From: 【the condor】
Topic: Itinerary to Santiago de Chile.
Thanks for traveling with us!
The travel agency « El Cóndor has its reservation for four round trip tickets with Aerolinea Andina from New York to Santiago de Chile on June 4 and from Santiago de Chile to New York on June 18. It is a 13-hour direct flight and includes two meals.
Below we send you the itinerary with all the information you need. Tomorrow they will receive the tickets; We ship them today.
Each person can check one large suitcase and can have one small suitcase or one backpack on the plane.
They must confirm the flight 24 hours in advance. If you have questions , you should call a travel agent at 1-800-555-2525. Have a nice trip!
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