
A group of sea otters is called a raft. These rafts can number anywhere from 10 to 100 animals. Sea otter rafts are generally segregated by gender. Male rafts are usually larger than the female groups. Sea otters often hold hands when sleeping to keep from drifting away from the raft. They will also wrap themselves in long strands of seaweed to anchor themselves together.
a) A raft is a group of sea otters that includes 10 to 100 male and female animals that work together to fight off predators to secure the safety of the raft.
b)In male rafts and female rafts, sea otters make sure each member is safe by holding hands when sleeping and anchoring themselves to seaweed to ensure no member floats away.
c)Large groups of sea otters are called rafts, which are separated into groups of males and females.
d)Sea otters are very friendly and affectionate animals because they hold hands with each other.