
Think about challenges related to marine science which are currently facing society. In coastal and inland communities alike, there might be challenges such as pollution, invasive species, or waste management. Communities also face public health issues, such as outbreaks of diseases, and ethical concerns surrounding science and technology. Communities turn to fellow citizens, scientists, engineers, and other professionals to solve these problems. Many times these problems are not clearly defined or easy to solve. They involve many variables and points of view. Your task is to analyze a global challenge related to marine science, and to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions that account for societal needs and wants.

Respuesta :

Global challenges related to marine science are as follows:

1. Ocean acidification is a major issue that affects all of the world's ocean industries and has severe negative effects on the environment, society, and the economy. Coordinated government action is required to effectively address this issue.

What is impact of ocean acidification?

Ocean acidification will affect the biological, biogeochemical, and ecological aspects of the oceans, and while the effects on the environment, the socio-ecological system, and human dimensions are all still not fully understood, they have the potential to have very dramatic effects. Numerous marine ecosystem services and goods may be impacted directly or indirectly. Industries that rely on these services from the Ocean are impacted.

2. Overfishing:

Overfishing poses a severe threat to the fish in our water, whether it's for the food industry or the aquarium sector. The Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that more than half of the species of marine fish have been totally or overexploited, despite the fact that many of them simply need to remain in the sea because they are not necessary for food security or because they cannot survive in captivity. We are killing entire ecosystems and the food chains that are necessary to keep them healthy by overfishing. Overfishing not only causes the extinction of entire species, but it also directly affects other species in the food chain.

3. Plastic

Between 1.15 and 2.41 million tons of plastic enter the ocean every single year. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is a collection of rubbish in the Pacific Ocean is now three times the size of France. Animals can get tangled in the huge amount of plastic which litter the ocean, and the plastic smothers and destroys coral and sponges. Plastic bags are also often mistaken for food by sea turtles, and they either become trapped or eat the bag which clogs their digestive system. Plastic continuously breaks down resulting in little pieces of “micro-plastic” that are consumed by a variety of marine life, including several species that humans like to catch and eat.

solutions that account for societal needs and wants:

1. Cutting back on carbon emissions.

2. Reducing plastic usage.

3. Making sure the fish you consume is supplied sustainably and ethically.

4. Participating in beach cleanups.

5. Only purchase aquarium fish that were raised in captivity.

6. Supporting elected officials that favor a wholesome atmosphere

7. Contributing to environmental organizations that protect our oceans.

For more information regarding ocean acidification, visit:


Universidad de Mexico