
Help quick please?
1. What proposal did President Woodrow Wilson make for the nations of the world?
a. There should be an association of nations.
b. They should practice the isolationism that had been so successful for the United States.
c. They should sign treaties that specified how they would help one another.
d. There should be clear territorial line drawn by the Big Four.

2. What are the Food Administration, the War Industries Board, and the Railroad Administration examples of?
a. agencies started during the Roosevelt administration
b. British agencies that needed U.S. assistance during World War I
c. the growth of federal government during World War I
d. President Taft's effort to increase the economic power of the United States

Respuesta :

1 is A, as Wilson advocated for the League of Nations and 2 is C, as Wilson imposed rations, converted peacetime industries to wartime industries, and took over the railroads, which were massive expansions of federal executive power

1. President Woodrow Wilson proposed that there should be an association of nation  

2. Food administration, War Industries Board and Railroad administrations are examples of growth of Federal government during First World War.

Further Explanations:  

1. Thomas Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of United Nation who served his office from 1913-1921and is also known as chief architect of League of Nation. After First World War he arranged for a Peace Treaty, including plans for League of Nation. He even received the Nobel Prize for his peace-making efforts.

2. During First World War Food Administration Agencies were responsible for overseas US army and its Allies food reserve. War Industries board were responsible for purchase and supply of ammunition while Railroad administrations were responsible for the safety and maintenance of roadsAll these agencies were responsible for the growth of Federal government.  

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Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: US History  

Chapter:First World War

Keywords:Thomas Woodrow Wilson, United Nation, League of Nation, Peace Treaty,League of Nation, Nobel Prize, First World War, US army, War Industries, ammunition, Railroad administrations, Federal government