Respuesta :
This system of classification of living organisms is better than following the older classification of plants and animals because it eradicated the confusion of putting one species in two different kingdoms.
In five kingdom classification, the criteria to classifiy organisms include
1. Presence / absence of cell wall
2. Presence / absence of nuclear envelope
3. Mode of nutrition
4. Mode of reproduction.
5. Body organisation, Unicellular or multicellular
Acoordingly the organisms were grouped in 5 Kingdoms namely,
Monera - Unicellular prokaryotic organisms -Example, Bacteria
Protista - Unicellular eukaryotic organisms - Example, Euglena, Amoeba, Paramoecium etc
Fungi - Eukaryotic, multicellular organisms with saprophytic mode of nutrition.
Example, Rhizopus, Agaricus etc
Plantae - Eukaryotic multicellular organisms, that are photosynthetic autotrophs Example, Mango, Coconut etc
Animalia - Eukaryotic multicellular organisms, heterotrophic in nutrition
Example, Lion, Dog, Monkey etc
Advantages of Five kingdom over two kingdom classification
1. The five kingdom classification seggregates organisms based on five basic criteria, as compared to two kingdom classification where organisms are classified based on two criteria.
2. Unicellular prokaryotes and eukaryotes as well as Fungi were not included in the two kingdom classification.
3. Mixotrophs like Euglena too were not included in the two kingdom classification.