Respuesta :

Here are your options:

  1. Tell your teacher that you are behind, including the reason for why you are behind, and ask if there is a possible extension that can be made for this project. I recommend you give as detailed of an email as possible because a short statement from the teacher's perspective isn't appealing enough for them to give an extension.
  2. Look at the rubric for the project, and determine which part of the project is weighted the most heavily. After you identify that part, do that part first (this case only applies if you teacher doesn't give you an extension)
  3. You can't finish everything, thus you must rely on the fact that you must put the best effort into each section to help build your credibility. Because when you start off with really high-quality work, people are more likely to give a bit of leeway to mistakes down the line
  4. Ask questions on Brainly, if you don't understand something, ask it here on Brainly, if people can answer it, they will answer it.
  5. Ask your teacher for help, I will caution you on this however, if you have never asked your teacher a question about this project before the due date, it might appear to the teacher that you only care about the grade, not the actual class itself. Because if you constantly asked questions in class, it means that you are 'genuinely' interested

Hope that helps!