How could you tell whether a given sequence was DNA or mRNA?
Was it easier to decode messages written in DNA or in mRNA sequences?
Which cellular enzymes or machines are you imitating when you "transcribe" DNA into mRNA?
Which cellular enzymes or machines are you imitating when you "translate" mRNA into a chain of amino acids?
What else needs to happen in a eukaryotic cell between the processes of transcription and translation?
In step 5, how did different mutations affect the amino acid sequence that was encoded?
Explain why some single nucleotide mutations affect an amino acid sequence and some single nucleotide mutations do not.
Explain why nucleotide insertions and deletions affect the amino acid sequence so profoundly.
Why could your secret message include only 20 of the 26 letters of the alphabet?
Did you find that it was difficult to work with only these letters?

Respuesta :


1. You could tell whether a given sequence was DNA or mRNA because of Uracil and Thymine base differences in both

2. Answers may vary up to you, but messages are easier to decode written in DNA

3. You are imitating RNA polymerases.

4. You are imitating RNA polymerase once again

5. The RNA strand is delivered to start the process of translation; RNA>>Protien

6. Different mutations affect different amino acid sequences because they alter the code which makes it un-easy to decode the sequence

7. Some single nucleotide mutations affect an amino acid sequence depending on what mutation it is causing. Some single nucleotide mutations do not do this because they aren't as severe and they don't cause codons to mix up.