Matching the terms to their definitions is as follows:
1. Big Bang The theory the universe came forth from a single spot in an enormous explosion.
2. Solar System A group of objects that orbit a star.
3. Heliocentric theory The idea that the Earth and planets orbit the sun. A sun-centered view.
4. Gravity A force of attraction that keeps planets orbiting the sun.
5. Galaxy Huge clusters of stars, gas, and dust bound by the force of gravity.
6. Rotation The spinning of a planet on its axis, causing day and night.
7. Revolution The spinning of a planet on its axis, causing day and night.
8. Meteorite Inner planets
9. Meteoroid Outer planets
10. Meteor A rock that has entered Earth's atmosphere, leaving a streak of light in the night sky.
11. Gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
12. Terrestrial, rocky Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.
Thus, the terms have been matched to their definitions as above.
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