What character would be the best example of an archetype?
A. A knight who's afraid of horses
B. Gwendolyn, the gorgeous and intelligent girl In chemistry class
C. Mr. Robert's, a teacher who doesn't believe in homework
D. A stubborn police officer who seeks justice

Respuesta :

D. A stubborn police officer who seeks justiceAsk for details  Follow  Report by Juwannn7258 2 minutes ago

The correct answer is: D) A stubborn police officer who seeks justice.

An archetype is a character that represents an "universal symbol", that means a character that has a common and recurring representation in different cultures or the entire human race. It represents some set of behaviors that are universal and recognizable.

In this case I think the police represents the hero as he seeks for justice no matter the problems he has to overcome. In all cultures this hero figure is distinguished by his goodness and fight against evil in order to restore harmony and justice. Beowulf and Hercules are other examples of heores.

Other archetypes are: the villian, the mentor, the mother figure.