1. Which belief of socialism may have been influenced by what was happening during the industrial revolution ?
A. the government should never interfere in the economy
B. the government should own all businesses
C. the means of production should shared by the entire society
D. the mean of production should be owned by as few people as possible

2. Which statement best describes laissez-faire economics?
A. the government allows some industries free enterprise, but restricts others
B. the government takes a hand-off approach to industry
C. the government controls levels of production, but not how a business is run
D. the government controls which industries can exist in the country

3. Which statement best describes the lives of women who worked during the industrial revolution ?
A. they worked 12 hours or more a day for half the pay of men, and they tended to the family and household when at home
B. they avoided working in the mining industry bc mines were too dangerous due to flooding, collapse, and explosions
C. in textile mills, they changed spools and crawled under machinery to fix broken thread bc of their small size and nimble fingers
D. employers made efforts to protect them from the most dangerous jobs in factories and mines and allowed them to work shorter days

4. Why were children in such high demand in factories during the Industrial Revolution?
A. They could focus for long hour with very few breaks
B. there were so few of them available and they were very hard workers
C. they were eager to skip school and could do any kind of work
D. they were small and nimble and were paid less

5. Which of the following statements about population trends during the industrial revolution is most accurate?
A. populations decreased during the first stages of industrialization bc of unsafe working conditions
B. people left cities to move to farms bc of improvements in farming from the agricultural revolution
C. towns built near coal and iron mines suffered a loss of population as workers left for factory jobs in cities
D. demand for labor in factories was one cause of the population shift toward urban areas

6. Which of the following is the term for an increase in population in cities?
A. urbanization
B. rural displacement
C. urban mobility
D. population redistribution

7. Which important contribution did James Watt make to the Industrial revolution?
A. he developed a seed drill for planting
B. he developed ways to increase crop yields
C. he improved methods of iron smelting
D. he perfected a new source of energy

8. Which innovation of the industrial revolution led to a decrease in the price of coal from manchester?
A. spinning jenny
B. horse-drawn carriages
C. canals
D. turnpikes

Respuesta :

1.The correct answer here is C. Socialism is based on shared goods, shared ownership and democratic control, that is shared control, of the means of production. Means of production are also called factors of production and they refer to facilities and raw materials as well as the tools and the machine necessary for the production of goods. There are different types of socialism but the democratic use of means of production is usually present in many of them.

2.The correct answer here is B. The laissez-faire economics is the type of economy with no to minimum government involvement, which preferably means no regulation whatsoever on any kind of government regulations, tariffs even subsidies and privileges. The philosophy of this economic model is that the things should be left to happen as they would happen and that individuals have free reign on how they do business.

3.The correct answer here is A. The working conditions were terrible for all the factory workers during the Industrial Revolution, as they worked for meager pay and in hazardous conditions. The situation was even worse for women and children. Because they were small the children were often given dangerous jobs around the factory as they could squeeze into tight places. Women also worked crazy hours and on top of that were in charge of housework and child upbringing.

4.The correct answer here is D. As I said before children were in very high demand during the Industrial Revolution especially because of their size. They were nimble, they were small and could fit where other workers couldn’t. Maybe what was the most important aspect was they were extremely cheap as they had lower wages then adult workers in the factories. This unfortunately led to many children being injured and possibly even killed as accidents were bound to happen.

5. The correct answer here is again D. The Industrial Revolution was a major cause for the urbanization. The cities grew larger and larger as the factories lured more and more workers with the prospect of work. The people who came were often from the rural areas or they were mostly immigrants looking to start a life in a new country. Whatever the conditions in the factories were there was no denying that they attracted a lot of people eager for work.

6.The correct answer here is A. Again, looking at the previous answer you can see that urbanization is the increase of the population in the cities. The cities received a large influx of people which led to the among other things increased urban development as there was a need to build houses for the workers who arrived. This fast urbanization really invigorated the real estate industry as well as the service sector. Though the effect was negative on the smaller towns and villages from which people migrated.

7.The correct answer here is D. James Watt is often though of as an inventor of the steam powered machines, but that is not true. He is actually the one who perfected the steam engine system based on the designs of Thomas Newcomen and made it much more suitable for larger scale use. Watt introduced number of changes which allowed the steam engines to produce much more power while consuming significantly less energy.

8.The correct answer here is C. Canals is what played a major role in the industrialization of Britain in particular. Before the use of canals, the coal had to be transported to factories via carriages which was an expensive an time consuming effort. The transport via boats through the canals was much more time efficient and money efficient effort. More coal could have been transported from the mines in much less time while the whole endeavor costed significantly less than the land transport.


Number 3 is A.
