Paincho is like parma. They both mean giving
(lending) and taking (borrowing) of something.
The main difference between them is that
paincho is related with goods in needs whereas
parma is related to labor or services. Paincho
is also a typical practice of Nepali society. In
this practice, people in need of some goods or
services take from somebody without any cost
or interest as paincho and return it in due time.
t is too mostly practiced in rural areas. It can
be defined as giving the thing like rice, maize,
money or any goods on condition that the equal
amount is returned after the certain period of
time. Such a practice is generally found in rural
areas among close friends and relatives. This
practice helps to fulfill the immediate needs of
the people and also helps to strengthen their
relationship, unity, and co-operation. Similarly, a
culture of mutual help is also a positive part of
this practice.