The Brittle Bird Store prepares bird-seed blends by mixing sunflower seeds and millet and packaging them in 5-pound bags for sale. Sunflower seed (s) is regularly sold for $1.75 per pound, and millet (m) is sold for $2.50 per pound. The mixture is sold for $11.60.
How many pounds of sunflower seed does the mixture contain?

3.8 pounds
3 point 8 pounds

1.2 pounds
1 point 2 pounds

2.9 pounds
2 point 9 pounds

2.1 pounds

Respuesta :


Hai! saya dari Indonesia! salam kenal yaa ^^ oh ya maaf tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan kamu ^^

hi^^ saya dari Indonesia

mohon maaf saya tidak bisa menjawab soal ini