Answer: This honey plant makes people do things they don't want to do, makes them lose sight of their core goal, and makes them forget about their family and friends. They get addicted to it, and nothing else seems to matter.
The phrases come from Book IX of Homer's "The Odyssey," where Odysseus sends several men to inspect the country. However, these men stayed since they had consumed the Lotus plant and did not want to go.
Paraphrase of the passage-
If somebody consumed the flower, they would forget everything and refuse to leave the place. It causes individuals to lose sight of their loved ones, their homes, and their goals. It also forced them to do things they disliked. It's as if they're hooked to narcotics or have become slaves to unhealthy habits. Unfortunately for them, they are unable to entirely go. Taking them forces them to do things they don't want to do but over which they have no control.