1. Kelly had to iron, do the washing, and [go] shopping before her parents arrived.
2. [To] drive a car requires coordination, patience, and [to have] good eyesight.
3. Ali prefers jeans [to wearing a suit].
4. When I walk the dog, I like [to listen to music] and [talking to friends on the phone].
5. This committee needs to decide whether the company should reduce its workforce, [cutting the medical benefits], or [to lower workers wages].
6. Stanley enjoys [reading] and [to play the guitar] on the weekends.
7. The doctor told Julius that he should either [eat less] or [he needs to exercise more].
8. Once the spy was out in the open, he moved quickly, [quietly as possible], and [he moved with care].
9. I have [read the book], [seen the movie], and [to buy the poster] is important to me.
10. I would rather have a second job than [to sit around and do nothing].