Develop an interesting story on the basis of following input in about 150-200 words. Also give a suitable title to it forest_ all animals gathered_ election of a new king _ chose monkey_ amused by his antics_ disappointed_ waited for chance_ one day_ found a piece of meat _ used as a bait fot trap_ sent to monkey_ shows locality_ offered to show him the place _ where he found meat _ monkey felt greedy_ fall prey _fox prey_fox outwitted monkey

Respuesta :

At a great meeting of the Animals, who had gathered to elect a new ruler, the Monkey was asked to dance. This he did so well, with a thousand funny capers and grimaces, that the Animals were carried entirely off their feet with enthusiasm, and then and there, elected him their king.

The Fox did not vote for the Monkey and was much disgusted with the Animals for electing so unworthy a ruler.

One day he found a trap with a bit of meat in it. Hurrying to King Monkey, he told him he had found a rich treasure, which he had not touched because it belonged by right to his majesty the Monkey.

The greedy Monkey followed the Fox to the trap. As soon as he saw the meat he grasped eagerly for it, only to find himself held fast in the trap. The Fox stood off and laughed.

"You pretend to be our king," he said, "and cannot even take care of yourself!"

Shortly after that, another election among the Animals was held.

The true leader proves himself by his qualities.