Translate the following Latin words to English
- The best English translation for rogaris is You (singular) are asked
- the best English translation for creamus is We create
- the best English translation for maturbatur is she used to hasten
- the best English translation for manebant is She used to remain
- the best English translation for tenebor is I will be held
- the best English translation for sperabo is I used to hope
English to Latin words translation
- The best Latin translation for "We are worshiped" is adoramur
- The best Latin translation for "I worship" is adoro
- The best Latin translation for "You (singular) used to worship" is adorabas
- The best Latin translation for "It will be created" is creabatur.
- The best Latin translation for "You (plural) were asked" is rogabas
- The best Latin translation for "We will create" is creabimur
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