Would really love some help with my recent Latin quiz, not sure on most of my answers!

1. What is the best English translation for rogaris? (2 points)
A) You (singular) are asked
B) You (singular) ask
C) You (plural) were asking
D) You (plural) were asked

2. What is the best English translation for creamus? (2 points)
A) We create
B) We were created
C) I am creating
D) I will create

3. What is the best English translation for maturbatur? (2 points)
A) They used to hasten
B) She used to hasten
C) They used to be hastened
D) She used to be hastened

4. What is the best English translation for manebant? (2 points)
A) She will remain
B) They will remain
C) She used to remain
D) They used to remain

5. What is the best English translation for tenebor? (2 points)
A) I will be held
B) You will be held
C) I am held
D) You are held

6. What is the best English translation for sperabo? (2 points)
A) I was hoping
B) I will hope
C) I am hoping
D) I used to hope

7. What is the best Latin translation for "We are worshiped"? (2 points)
A) adoramur
B) adorabamur
C) adorabam
D) adorabar

8. What is the best Latin translation for "I worship"? (2 points)
A) adorabo
B) adoror
C) adoro
D) adorare

9. What is the best Latin translation for "You (plural) were asked"? (2 points)
A) rogabatis
B) rogabas
C) rogabis
D) rogabamini

10. What is the best Latin translation for "You (singular) used to worship"? (2 points)
A) adoras
B) adorabas
C) adorabaris
D) adorabamini

11. What is the best Latin translation for "It will be created"? (2 points)
A) creabatur
B) creabitis
C) creabit
D) creabitur

12. What is the best Latin translation for "We will create"? (2 points)
A) creabimur
B) creambimus
C) creabamus
D) creabam

Respuesta :

Translate the following Latin words to English

  • The best English translation for rogaris is You (singular) are asked

  • the best English translation for creamus is We create

  • the best English translation for maturbatur is she used to hasten

  • the best English translation for manebant is She used to remain

  • the best English translation for tenebor is I will be held

  • the best English translation for sperabo is I used to hope

English to Latin words translation

  • The best Latin translation for "We are worshiped" is adoramur

  • The best Latin translation for "I worship" is adoro

  • The best Latin translation for "You (singular) used to worship" is adorabas

  • The best Latin translation for "It will be created" is creabatur.

  • The best Latin translation for "You (plural) were asked" is rogabas

  • The best Latin translation for "We will create" is creabimur

Learn more about Latin words;


Universidad de Mexico