
(The passage below is a draft)
Many people living near the Mississippi River see mayfies as a nuisance. (2) The mayfies' sudden entrance to life in the air, their languid fying and resting on objects at their convenience, and their deaths seemed a bother to humans
(3) Adult mayfies' short lifespans are at the heart of the problem. (4) Throughout a couple of weeks each summer, the nymphs (juvenile mayflies), which have developed underwater for the past
few months, hatch into millions of mature maylies with nonfunctioning mouths (5) These adult mayflies mate, lay eggs on and near the water, and then die within a day or two, sometimes in ples
multiple feet high that create treacherous driving conditions for humans (6) These perishing insects impact nondriving humans as well by collecting on air conditioner compressors and the like,
often preventing them from functioning. () In fact often street lights are shut off in order to decrease the number of mayfies congregating near them. (8) And, believe it or not the wings and skin
of Mayfies cause an allergic reaction on the skin of some folk. (9) The bodies of these mayflies are long and thin and support large wings.
(10) Despite these nuisances, I have come to value these somewhat unsightly creatures. (11) For example, because they need clean water to survive, their presence indicates to humans the health
of a body of fresh watet (12) In fact, they have been used to assess the quality of water in fresh water areas. (13) In addition, the nymphs, with their functioning mouths, contribute to the
cleanliness of the water by eating algae and decaying vegetation (14) Therefore, they are important indicators of the health of a human's environment. (15) Moreover, clean bodies of fresh water
attract human recreational activity. (16) Mayfies impact the economies of humans who live near healthy rivers and lakes-both tourists and locals spend money to enjoy activities in and near the
Which of the following sentences, if added after sentence 16, would provide the best concluding sentence for the passage?
Robust economies are important to humans, and they enhance lifestyles across the board therefore, humans should respect the lives of mayfies.
Yes, mayfies definitely impact the quality of fresh watet, so humans should desire to keep these pesky insects around.
Since there are both good and bad consequences from living with mayflies, individuals should make their own decisions about whether or not the bad outweighs the good.
Clearly there are both negative and positive aspects to coexisting with mayflies, but the long-lasting positives outweigh the temporary negatives
It is easy to me, then, that tourists might have a different perspective than locals do about the life cycle of mayflies and it’s many effects on humans

Respuesta :

The option that best concludes sentence 16 is "D":
"Clearly there are both negative and positive aspects to coexisting with mayflies, but the long-lasting positives outweigh the temporary negatives"

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