Respuesta :
The domestic attack on American soil was Oklahoma City Bombing which occurred on April 19, 1995.
What is the possible cause of the domestic attack?
The Oklahoma City bombing occurred on April 19, 1995, when a truck loaded with explosives was detonated outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma, destroying 168 people and injuring them.
Timothy McVeigh, an anti-government extremist who was executed for his crimes in 2001, set off the bomb.
McVeigh, who grew up in western New York, developed a fondness for firearms and began honing survivalist skills that he believed would be required in the event of a Cold War showdown with the Soviet Union.
McVeigh, Nichols, and their associates were profoundly radicalized by events such as the August 1992 shoot-out at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, between survivalist Randy Weaver and federal agents at his rural cabin, and the April 1993 Waco siege, in which 75 members of a Branch Davidian religious sect were killed near Waco, Texas.
McVeigh intended to strike the Murrah Building, which contained Regional offices of the Secret Service, federal agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Bureau of; '
- Alcohol
- Firearms
- Tobacco
- Explosives
Which had carried out the first assault on the Branch Davidian compound.
McVeigh parked a Ryder rental vehicle filled with a diesel-fuel-fertilizer bomb outside the Murrah Building and escaped on April 19, 1995, the two-year anniversary of the catastrophic end to the Waco siege. The huge bomb went off a few minutes later.
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