pls answer what you can and I will give brainliest.

1. A population variance is used to calculate the t statistic for a hypothesis test.

2. Holding everything else constant, increasing the sample size (n) decreases estimated standard error (SM) and increases the likelihood of a significant result.

3. With = .01, a two-tailed t test for a sample of n = 20 subjects would have critical t boundary values of t = ±2.861

4. A sample of n = 15 scores would produce a t statistic of df = 16.

5. Using the single sample t statistic formula (M - divided by SM) for a hypothesis test: First, calculate the obtained t statistic for: M = 12, = 6, with SM = 2.

Second, find the critical t boundary values for the critical region in the t Distribution Table (p. 537).

Now, describe the decision regarding the null hypothesis for a two-tailed test with =.05 and df=8: _________.
(Reject Null Hypothesis/Fail to reject Null Hypothesis)

6. An independent-measures t test design could be used to evaluate the difference in verbal skills between 3-year old girls and 3-year old boys.

7. The null hypothesis for the independent-measures t test states that there is no difference between the two population means.

8. The homogeneity of variance assumption requires that the two samples have equal variances.

9. One sample has n = 6 and SS = 20, and a second sample has n = 6 and SS = 30. The pooled variance for the two samples is 50/10 = 5.

10. An independent-measures study uses a separate sample to represent each of the treatment conditions or populations being compared.

11. The goal of an independent measures research study is to evaluate mean differences between two populations (or treatment conditions).

12. For the difference scores: 3, -8, 6, -4, -2, the value of MD = -1.

13. A researcher obtains a t statistic of t = 2.00 from a repeated-measures study using n = 17 participants. If effect size is measured using r2, then r2 = 4/20 = 0.20

14. The repeated-measures t test design is suited to situations in which there are relatively few subjects available for study

15. The repeated-measures t test design is helpful because it uses fewer subjects for two samples.

16. The researcher’s goal for a repeated-measures t test is to use a sample of difference scores to answer questions about the general population, and particularly to find out if there is any difference between the two treatment conditions for the general population.

17. Independent observations are an assumption for the repeated-measures t test design.

Two assumptions of the t test are: ________.

Assumption 1: ________

Assumption 2: ________