1. human capital.
2. physical capital.
3. human capital.
4. technology.
5. physical capital.
6. human capital.
7. technology.
8. human capital.
Human capital refers to the knowledge, skills, experiences, capabilities acquired by an individual inorder to the productivity. Physical capital refers to those inputs that contribute in the production process. It basically means the factors of production like land, building, machinery, etc. Technology refers to research, innovations and development. In other words, it means innovating something new.
Human capital is the knowledge and ability that workers have that allow them to perform their job or to perform it better. Some examples of human capital are the knowledge obtained through various types of education and training as in the case of more college graduates, individuals going to culinary school, adult literacy, and doctors learning about a new way to treat cancer.
Physical capital consists of those physical resources that are used in production but that are not inputs in production. Examples of these are company computers and company cars that presumably enhance workers' ability to perform their tasks.
Technology consists of the processes by which capital is employed in the production process. For example, improvements in a distribution process or in cancer treatments are both examples of technologies.