please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Imagine you’re an explorer traveling the trade routes of the Sahara. How do you travel, who do you meet, what do you see? Write a journal entry.

Respuesta :


hoy 28/04/2022 viajando en las rutas comerciantes del sahara montado en mi camello con provisiones para un año,me encontre con un comersiante en un camello viejo y vi a lo lejos una carabana de comerciantes que se alegaba ayude al comerciante y fui al pueblo mas cercano.


me entre mucho en el personaje , espero que te ayude

I’m not quite sure but if I was an explorer traveling the Saharan trade routes, I would most likely travel on camel so I can get the feeling of how people would normally cross. On my way to any of the populated cities I may meet many traders and residents of the sub Saharan lands, which may help me find my way through. Along the way I may see structures and shelters of nomads along the way, but mostly sand. I know it wasn’t a lot but I hope this helps.