Based on your height calculations, could some of these bones have belonged to the same person? Which ones? Keep in mind that the measurements are approximate.
Of the eight bones found, which do you think probably belonged to a man? Which likely belonged to a woman? Which aren’t you sure about? Can you tell anything about the victims’ age? Explain your answers. (three to five sentences).
How many individuals (male and/or female) do you think were present? Do the scatter patterns support your theory? (one to two sentences)
Do the bones show animal activity? How can you tell? (one to two sentences)
Do the bones show evidence of time, cause, or manner of death? Explain. (three to five sentences)
The local police have provided you with some missing persons reports. Look at the information for each missing person and compare it to your findings. Could the bones belong to any of these missing persons? If so, which ones, and why? Keep in mind that 1 inch = 2.54 cm. (2-3 sentences)

Respuesta :


1.Stature estimation is obtained from measurements of long bones; namely the humerus, femur, and tibia. If these bones are unavailable, the ulna, radius, and fibula can also provide a good range for the expected height of an individual

2.Yes, it is possible that any of these bones could have come from the same person. The two female Femur bones could have came from the same woman. The following bones were recovered from the construction site. A fellow forensic anthropologist has already classified the bones by sax and race.


i hope this helps