find the volume of number ten pls i know the answer is 449.57 the figure is to the left

see below ( I do not think 449.57 m^2 is correct for surface area)
Surface area = 374.65 m^2 Volume = 448.83 = ~~ 449 m^3
Step-by-step explanation:
Find the SURFACE AREA (NOT the volume)
Height of cone = sqrt ( 13^2 - 4.5^2) = 12.1963 m
surface area equation for cone = pi * r * (r+ sqrt (h^2+r^2) ) = 247.4 m^2
Sphere surface area = 4 pi r^2 = 254.5 m^2
HEMIsphere is 1/2 of this = 127.235 m^2
Add the two surface areas = 374.65 m^2
For VOLUME: cone 1/3 pi r^2 h = 257.979 m^3
HEMIsphere = 1/2 4/3 pi r^3 = 190.851 m^3
Total VOLUME is then 448.83 m^3