
Do you believe that the renaissance would have evolved without the weakening of the Church? Why?

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Answer:  The Renaissance began in the city-states of Italy in the mid-1300s. The city-state of Florence is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance, which means "rebirth" in French. During this time, Italians, living closer to the Middle East and Greece, were introduced to classic literature and philosophy, like the Iliad and the Odyssey, as well as the works of ancient philosophers like Plato. These texts were preserved by the Byzantines and Arabs of the Middle East.

Humanism was born during the Renaissance. The Middle Ages had always been an age of faith and fate. Now, after reading the ancient philosophers, some people in Italy began to think that great things were possible through individual achievement, this is what is called the Humanist movement. Francesco Petrarch was an early humanist who studied the ancient texts for inspiration. Humanism allowed arts and literature to reach new heights during this time.