Several European countries suffered from financial crises at the same time as the United States. Select the country that matches each particular crisis.

a. In 2013, ______________ suffered from an unemployment rate of 25% and huge amounts of debt.
b. ______________ suffered under interest rates of 25% after the recession hit the shipping industry hard.
c. In ______________, the newest member of the Eurozone, politicians have a great deal of control over the banking industry.
d. ______________ was unable to cut the government budget because the courts overturned key laws.
e. The crisis in ______________ began much as it did in the United States, when a housing bubble burst.
f. In spite of many bank failures, the people of ______________ did not want investors and banks to receive a government bailout.
g. ______________ remained in a recession longer than other nations, due to very slow economic growth.


Respuesta :


The answer is ‘Spain’

The answer is ‘Greece’

The answer is ‘Slovenia’

The answer is ‘Portugal’

The answer is ‘Ireland’

The answer is ‘Cypress’

The answer is ‘Italy’


While all of these countries had issues in common, particularly government budget deficits leading to high public debt and bank failures because of too many bad loans, each country put its own spin on the crisis scenario. The European Central Bank intervened to buy bad loans and extend emergency credit to the banks of each country. Generally, the ECB also insisted on budgetary reforms as part of the debt agreements.

Spain had the highest unemployment at 25% in 2014. Younger workers were particularly hard hit by unemployment.

In Greece, excessive interest rates (up to 25%) and riots were notable. The public was not in favor of the austerity measures the ECB imposed. The ECB responded by lowering its interest rate for Greece and returning interest payments it had received on Greek bonds.

Slovenia was part of Yugoslavia after World War II, a country made by a peace treaty rather than by the will of the people. The different ethnic groups did not bond well, and the country fell apart after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990. Banks in the Warsaw Pact nations were owned by the government rather than by private investors, and Slovenia had not yet privatized all of its banks when it joined the Eurozone. This left the banking system vulnerable to political manipulation.

Like the other countries, Portugal agreed to austerity measures intended to cut government spending and get the public debt under control, but the courts struck down laws designed to cut down on spending. As a consequence, Portugal was not able to get its finances in order and unemployment rose to 18%.

Ireland was one of the first to fall into financial crisis when it suffered the bursting of a housing bubble similar to the one in the United States. In response, the government guaranteed all bank deposits against loss if the bank should failure, including the very largest accounts.

In contrast, the people of Cypress made it clear that the government bailouts should not protect the banks and investors who created the problem, so the government did not guarantee all deposits. Unfortunately, this lead to increased instability in the economy.

Italy wins first place in the public debt competition, as its debt is both larger and older than most. The public debt has been over 100% of GDP for a decade. Italy also has not seen much growth over the years, and stayed in a recession longer than the other nations of the Eurozone.

The country that matches each particular crisis is given as follows:

  • A - ‘Spain’
  • B - ‘Greece’
  • C - ‘Slovenia’
  • D - ‘Portugal’
  • E - ‘Ireland’
  • F - ‘Cypress’
  • G - ‘Italy’.

Thus, the full sentences describing the countries will be?

  • In 2013, Spain suffered from an unemployment rate of 25% and huge amounts of debt.
  • Greece suffered under interest rates of 25% after the recession hit the shipping industry hard.
  • In Slovenia, the newest member of the Eurozone, politicians have a great deal of control over the banking industry.
  • Portugal was unable to cut the government budget because the courts overturned key laws.
  • The crisis in Ireland began much as it did in the United States when a housing bubble burst.
  • In spite of many bank failures, the people of Cypress did not want investors and banks to receive a government bailout.
  • Italy remained in a recession longer than other nations, due to very slow economic growth.

Learn more about Financial Crises in the European Region at: