Joachim, a third student, noted that the confidence interval in part (a) gives plausible values of the parameter as an interval between two values. He suggested that they develop a one-sided confidence interval because they were only concerned with whether the number 6 was landing face up more often than expected, not less often. The one sided-interval will determine a value L such that all plausible values of p are greater than L.

Respuesta :


Kindly check explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

pˆ = 43 / 200 = 0.215


The confidence interval obtained :

0.215 ± 0.057 = (0.158 ; 0.272)

Since, 0.215 is within the confidence interval, we can conclude that, dice will lie face up on baked die more often than fair dice.


H0:p=16 versus Ha:p>16

Decision :

Reject H0 ; if Pvalue < α

Pvalue = 0.033 ; α = 0.05

0.033 < 0.05 ; we reject H0

HENCE, there is significant evidence to conclude that the proportion of face landing up on a baked dice is greater than 16. HENCE, it agrees with our conclusion in (1).



Z critical for a one sided 95% confidence interval is 1.64

pˆ = 0.215

L = 0.215 + 1.64 * √(0.215*0.785) / 200

L = 0.215 + (1.64 * 0.1299134)

L = 0.215 + 0.213057976

L = 0.428

(-∞, 0.428)