Part A - Collect data : Points: 2
Keep a record of everything that you eat and drink for 3 days. Type it up in a word document or use this chart DailyFoodLog.doc.
You can organize it into breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, etc.
Record the item and the serving size (you may need to estimate cups and oz)- Example: ½ cup, 2 oz
Part B - Nutrition Report from program: Points: 1
Use a diet analysis program to analyze the 3-day food diary you created. You can use any program that you like. A free program that I found that will work is MyFitnessPal. You can use the App or the website. The App has some more features and is recommended. You can complete the assignment by using the free version. (Links to an external site.)
Input data
Create an account and input the 3 days of the food journal that you completed for assignment #8 and run a nutrient report that summarizes the nutrient makeup of your planned diet. Identify by meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, & snacks) There are more detailed instructions below for both the App version and the website version.
App version (recommended)
You can input your food/meals using the "Food Diary." Food Diary can be found under the main menu of the App.
Please input each of the 3 days of the plan on 3 consecutive calendar days in MyFitnessPal. You can pick any recent date range. The dates are not as important as inputting for 3 consecutive days. If you can't find the exact food, find the best alternative.
After you input your 3 days, please run a nutrition report. You can find the reports by selecting "Nutrition" in the main menu. Print this page or save it as a PDF file. You will submit this as part of your assignment.
You can find daily and average calories from the Calories tab. In the Nutrient tab, you can view averages for the following nutrients:
Saturated fat
Polyunsaturated fat
Monounsaturated fat
Trans fat
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Website version
You can input your food/meals using the "Food Diary." Food Diary can be found under the "Food" menu on the website.
Please input each of the 3 days of the plan on 3 consecutive calendar days in MyFitnessPal. You can pick any recent date range. The dates are not as important as inputting for 3 consecutive days.
You can find the nutrition reports on the website by clicking a button toward the bottom of the food diary page that reads "View Full Report (Printable)."
You can pick the start and end date for the report.
Select the "Week View" and change date to select the last day of your diary.
You will see all of the nutrition information by day. You will have to manually calculate the average for each nutrient/substance for the 5 days.
The daily report includes data for the following nutrient/substance:
Part C: View results: 2 Points
For this part of the assignment, list of the average daily amounts of all of the nutrients/substances that are reported by the program you used. For each substance, list the recommended intake and identify if you are low, good, or high compared to that specific nutrient/substance. You will be required to find those recommendations. Please identify the source that you used to determine the recommendation(s).
For this assignment, please submit ONE DOCUMENT that is organized and clear for me to grade. Include the following:
1) Part A: Your menu with serving sizes you ate- you can type this up in a word document, or use the chart given.
2) Part B: A PDF of the nutrition report ran from the diet analysis program you used.
3) Part C: A word document with your analysis of the nutrition report comparing and contrasting the recommended intake of the nutrients and what your intake is in. Make sure you cite your resource for what you used to determine the recommended amounts for each nutrient. Use this website for proper APA 7th edition citations;