See Explanation
Mother, father, please read this letter and take my words into consideration because I mean them with all my heart. I do not want to marry the person you want me to marry. I know they're in the same caste as I, but I do not love them. I'm human; I have emotions, wants, needs, feelings -- if I marry this person, trust I will be miserable. Imagine being forced into a situation you don't want to be in, and you'll be in that situation for the rest of your life. You can never fufill your wants and needs because of the situation. You're stuck. It would be horrible, wouldn't it? So why would you make me walk down that path and live that life? I want to be happy, we all do, and I won't be happy if I can't make decisions for myself and marry someone I truly love. You'd be ruining my life by making me marry someone from the same caste. When it comes to love, social status, looks, and wealth don't matter. What matters is on the inside. A caste doesn't define someone. Therefore, I should be able to marry who I want to, no matter the caste.
This is only 203 words, I'm not learning the same material as you so I'm sure you could add more to it.