C.Multiple Choice Questions
Instructions: Select the single best answer to each of the questions given
below. Each question is worth one mark, for a total of 30 marks.
1. Which of the following is true for photons?
a. They have a tiny mass but no energy.
b. They have no mass but a tiny amount of energy.
c. They have both a tiny mass and a tiny amount of energy.
d. They cannot interact with matter.
e. They are always reflected when they collide with matter.
2. Bioluminescence
a. is important for photosynthesis.
b. produces a large amount of heat.
c. usually involves chloroplasts.
d. occurs in some plants living in the deep seas.
e. occurs when an excited electron returns to its ground state.
3. Pigment molecules absorb light because
a. they have a conjugated system of single and double carbon bonds.
b. they have a highly complex chemical structure.
c. they have several ring systems.
d. they are able to reflect photons back and forth.
e. their molecules have a characteristic size and shape.
4. The 9+2 structure refers to
a. the arrangement of microfilaments in prokaryotes.
b. the arrangement of microfilaments in eukaryotes.
c. the arrangement of microtubules in the flagella of eukaryotes.
d. microfilaments in a cross-section of prokaryote flagella.
e. the intermediate filaments in eukaryotes.
4 Biology 204
5. Which of the following processes would be considered most recent in
evolutionary terms?
a. photosynthesis
b. oxygenic photosynthesis
c. fermentation
d. aerobic respiration
e. anaerobic respiration
6. Which of the following structures is NOT found in both prokaryotes
and eukaryotes?
a. flagella
b. cytoplasm
c. DNA
d. nucleoid
e. ATP
7. Which of the following terms refers to the idea of an RNA world?
a. ribozymes
b. ribosomes
c. ATP
d. virus
e. bacterium
8. Trade winds are
a. winds near the poles.
b. ocean currents.
c. winds in temperate zones.
d. winds in the tropics.
e. westerly winds.
9. A bacterial population that becomes resistant to antibiotics is an
example of
a. adaptive radiation.
b. selection.
c. chemoautotrophy.
d. transmission.
e. biodiversity.
Principles of Biology I 5
10. The sun shines directly over the equator
a. during summer solstice.
b. during winter solstice.
c. during March equinox.
d. during both summer and winter solstices.
e. throughout the year.