use each of these terms in a sentence that explains its meaning a. monopoly b. interstate commerce c. cede

Respuesta :

Monopoly - the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
interstate commerce- Interstate commerce refers to the purchase, sale or exchange of commodities, transportation of people, money or goods, and navigation of waters between different states.
give up (power or territory).


Monopoly is a type of market where the goods and services and their commercialization and/or supply is handled by one sole producer or merchant. This merchant usually prevents or restricts other producers from entering the market to keep the prices high. In general this producer or merchant is not responsive with his/her customers’ needs but concerned with maximizing profits.    

Interstate commerce is the trading of goods and services between institutions or individuals located in two different states. It is regulated by the federal government.  

Cede is to surrender or transfer the possession or give away a right, territory or power.  


Monopoly is a type of market where the goods and services and their commercialization and/or supply is handled by one sole producer or merchant. This merchant usually prevents or restricts other producers from entering the market to keep the prices high. In general this producer or merchant is not responsive with his/her customers’ needs but concerned with maximizing profits.    

Interstate commerce is the trading of goods and services between institutions or individuals located in two different states. It is regulated by the federal government.  

Cede is to surrender or transfer the possession or give away a right, territory or power.