Spanish 1 Part 1 Midterm
Menu Project Planner - Menú en español
Objective: Whether in un restaurante elegante con familia or en grupo having a sandwich in un café, Spaniards love the ambiance of their small cafés and restaurants. As a visitor to Spain, you would have to be able to understand a menu in Spanish. This not only includes a knowledge of food vocabulary, but a cultural understanding of whether you are paying for an entire meal at one fixed price or, more commonly, as separate items. You might also see el menú del día or cubierto which sets a fixed price for the specialty of the day. You are going to develop a menu in Spanish to give yourself practice in reading and understanding menus

Respuesta :

To create a complete menu include different food items along with a short description and their pice.

What are the elements in a menu?

Most menus include:

  • Different food items.
  • A short description of each one (optional)
  • The price.

How to create a menu in Spanish?

Here is an example of som of the information you might include in your menu:


Sopa de tomate                                                            $9

Platos fuertes

Costillas de cerdo                                                        $25

400 gramos de costillas de cerdo en salsa barbacoa o miel y ajo


Pastel de chocolate                                                    $5

Learn more about menu in: