Respuesta :

Question ↷

  • How does an author communicate the characters’ perspective?

Answer ↷

  • ⋆↪They use third person pronouns when talking about the feelings, expressions and emotions of the character unless it's an autobiography or self narrative genre.
  • ⋆↪They tend to focus on sticking on the same kind of character flow throughout the story to give it a realistic view.
  • ⋆↪They , contrary to popular beliefs , don't really care about the actual social morals , and give the characters a unique persona which entirely relies on the world they created in the character's head.

They do through following ways

  • They use he/she like third person pronouns instead of I/we first persons
  • They locate only one kinds of pronoun for same person throughout the whole literature of their creation inorder to make it easier and realistic.
  • Sometimes they use fictional stories in as part of story