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Answer: D. collection of specimens
There are many different types of scientific investigations.
Laboratory experiments allow scientists to control the conditions of their study. In a controlled experiment, scientists are able to select which factors, or variables, will change and which will remain the same, but laboratory experiments also create an artificial environment. Things may not behave the same way in nature as they do in a laboratory.
Observational field studies allow scientists to gain information about how things occur or behave in nature, but scientists are unable to completely control environmental factors.
The collection of specimens allows scientists to compare and contrast different objects, but the observations are limited by the size of the collection.
Model-building allows scientists to observe objects and events that are too large, rare, complex, or dangerous to fully observe in person, but the usefulness of the model is limited by how closely it resembles the real object or event.
A biologist gathering different species of snakes from a tropical region is an example of the collection of specimens.