The programming term that describes the value that is passed to a method when called so that the method knows what to do is an Argument
What is an Argument?
An argument in Programming are variables used to specify a value when you want to call a fuhnction which provides the programs utilizing more informathion.
A bettrer understanding is as follows:
For example
Say you want to create a function that describes how much money you're having; We can use artgument to descriptive as possible.
Before now, the function may have looked like:
string howMuchmoney() {
return "so much money";
Modifying the function prototype and implementation to take a string argument, it becomes
string howMuchmoney(string amount);
Change your return statement to:
return amount + "money";
Add a string to the parentheses where you call the function:
howMuchmoney("tons of")
Learn more in using Argument here: