
Write In Your Own Words And Include Introduction and Body and conclusion

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Should All Children Have Cellphones? Discuss With Reasons.

Respuesta :

Answer: No, all children should not have a cellphone


When you go out side you see many kids with cell phones. Then, you want one too but cell phones are not for everyone. Not everyone has the same menality. You should be mature enough to have a phone and I mean as in 18 and above mature. You may think your mature at 11 or 16 but your not. Cell phones arent ment for everyone.

According to David O. Carpenter, Director, Institute for Health and the Environment & Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, University at Albany, “There are several reasons why kids should not have cell phones. Kids with cell phones are likely to spend too much time on them, keeping them from doing more productive things like exercising and reading. There is increasing evidence of addiction to electronic devices, which like any other kind of addiction is destructive. Many kids with cell phones lose sleep because of talking at night or because of being anxious that they do not miss a call, and as a result suffer from headaches and sleepiness during the day, which interferes with learning at school.” As you can see kids spend alot of time on ceel phones when the could use it more productivley like gaining knowlegde.

Cell phones are an addiction and they can mess your eyes up alot. You can't even gain enough sleep. In an aritcle I read how it "help gain trust between the child and the parent and help "fit in" with classates. " (,child%20using%20the%20GPS%20function)

In conclusion, Kids shouldn't have cell phone. It can mess up kids schedule, social life, and their future.



Not all children should have cell phones because of the negative impact it has on their mental, social, physical, and cognitive health.  At most times, phones are more trouble than they’re worth, so if they aren’t monitored with caution, they can cause a variety of problems when you’re older, including what I’m about to tell you in this essay.

One of the reasons that not all of them should have cell phones is because of how it affects their physical activity or time with friends.  This is one of the number one causes of obesity among children, tweens, and teens.  The use of phones also is a cause of decreased sleep and distractibility contributing to poorer academic performance due to increased amounts of cell phone usage.  It limits their time with friends because they aren’t actually hanging out with their friends, they’re just texting.  This becomes a problem because they aren’t getting enough sleep or fresh air so they can study and take tests at school.  This means that it can be a major issue if not addressed to anyone as soon as possible.

Another reason children should have cell phones is the risk of cyberbullying and the social media accounts they have.  Cyberbullying is when you bully someone online.  According to Nationwide Children's, "Research has suggested that children in the third through fifth grade who owned a cell phone were particularly vulnerable to cyberbullying and that they had been cyberbullies themselves."  Children are at risk with social media accounts because of what they post on their accounts.  They think that whatever they send doesn't matter and that not everyone can see it.  Wrong.  The truth is, what you send cannot be removed, and even when you remove it, people have already seen it and have posted it on their accounts for others to see.  If it’s a text, that person that you sent the text could be texting other people, and then it spreads like wildfire from there.  Children, tweens, and teens also think that the past can be left behind when it comes to social media.  Again, wrong.  Are they aware that athletes, politicians, and celebrities who thought their past was behind them actually wasn't behind them because of social media?  Social media can backfire on children or teens if they aren't careful of what they post on social media or when they’re texting.

A third reason why not all children should have cell phones is because of how unaware they are when they’re texting their friends.  Do they know that if you continuously text or call that friend over and over again without a response is considered annoying?  Kids don’t realize it, but when you continuously do something like calling or texting that same person multiple times causes them to think you’re being rude or impatient.  They may also be unaware that they or someone else is hurting their feelings, and by the time they catch on, it’s too late.

A fourth reason why not all children should have cell phones is that them taking advantage of the fact that they have one.  This may not seem bad to most, but if a child, tween, or teen is using the phone inappropriately, a parent may not even know about it.  Most parents don’t know about those kinds of things because they don’t take charge when it’s needed.  Some kids’ parents have control over their child’s access to social media and other mobile apps, but some parents don’t.  It’s vital that a parent or the parents make sure that their child(ren) is held accountable for their actions so there are no surprises in the future.

Another reason that not all children should have cell phones is how good their mentality is.  There are a lot of kids that don’t have good mental health, so by giving them a cell phone, you’re just opening another can of worms, which isn’t a good thing.  Most don’t even notice that they are slowly destroying their mental health because they don’t believe they have a problem in the first place.  You might be asking, “How can a cell phone mess with someone’s mental health?”  Most kids tend to watch scary movies, listen to or respond to depressing things, etc.  All of that affects your mental health.  Depending on how good a child, tween, or teen’s mentality is, it should not be a thing if you know the child has problems or is currently working on those problems.