Respuesta :
Bullying may lead to decreased self-confidence of the victim(s), as well as physical or emotional trauma. Bullying is never acceptable, but we must also look at the motivation of the bully. Although this does not excuse their actions, it may give us insight on how to stop them from bullying anyone else in the future. Bullying can also be inherited through your genes, which is why it is important to stop a possible cycle from repeating itself in the bully's children. Most of the time it is an outlet for their anger, but it is temporary as they will most likely revive punishment that will fuel their resentment even more. Many struggle to speak up when facing bullying, whether it be because of threats, not wanting to be known as a "snitch", or having personal connections to the bully or those close to them. Whatever their non-motivation is, it is important we have people to confide in and know it will be kept confidential until measures are taken to protect the victim.
I'm not going to write an essay for you, but here's some ideas for the impacts of bullying, which should give you a hint.
- it can cause depression
- cause anxiety
- fear
- loneliness
victims of bullying can possibly experience this:
- doesn't want to go to school
- afraid to be in a public space
- being alone at school (usually without anyone trustworthy)