Read this excerpt from a passage.
Look around and you will start to realize how many inventions are inspired by nature. Airplanes that glide through the air use some
of the sarne design features of a bird. Newly developed walking canes that help the visually impaired navigate obstacles use ultrasonic
waves similar to echolocation: the use of sound to help direct movement, used by bats and dolphins. These are just a few examples of
human innovation that use nature as a model. When humans copy what they see in nature, it is called biomimicry: bios means "life"
and mimesis means "to imitate. The principle behind biomimicry is not simply to copy nature, but to look at the designs that we can
see in nature and use those designs to help solve human problems.
Which type of definition does this excerpt provide?
extended definition
scientific definition
formal definition
explained definition