A group of students is writing a phone message app to provide better word suggestions based on the context of the word and the words the person used in the past. They will earn an A on the project if their teacher is convinced that their program suggests the correct word at least 54% of the time. The current success rate for this app is 54%. The teacher randomly selects 100 words and finds that the students’ program correctly suggests 64 of the words. To determine if this data provide convincing evidence that the proportion of correct words is more than 54%, 150 trials of a simulation are conducted. The results are shown in the dotplot. The teacher is testing the hypotheses: H0: p = 54% and Ha: p > 54%, where p = the true proportion of words the app will correctly predict. Based on the results of the simulation, what is the estimate of the P-value of the test?

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third option)
The agency concludes that the program increases the recycling rate, when in fact it does not. The program will be implemented at great cost without increasing the rate of water bottle recycling.