The correct sentence after it has been properly punctuated is:
Ama soon finished her shorthand and typing course she was over the moon when she landed her first job at lever brothers.
However, the downsizing policies of present-day Ghana hit the company, and consequently, she was laid off. In an exchange with her colleagues, Ama remarked that human beings shouldn't give up on the achievement of goals.
Amas friends some holding first degree University degrees scouted establishments, knocking at closed doors. The situation was desperate the country was in recession there were no jobs, Ama's philosophy of life was nil desperandum.
Her supreme self-confidence told her she was too good to be jobless, she picked one of the handfuls of alternatives open to her she would set herself.
This refers to the use of punctuation marks in a sentence to properly show the usage of words and their meanings and uses in relation to other words.
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