Let's fly the flag for the life-saving health and safety law
The 1974 Health and Safety Act's rules are (0)
common sense, but they've been given a bad reputation by
people (1)
think that following every tiny detail is
more important than just being sensible.
Health and safety has come to mean the same (2)
the nanny state. It's seen as producing crazy laws and trying to avoid every possible risk.
And yet the Health and Safety at Work
Act, which is more than four decades old, has possibly
saved more lives than any other piece of legislation, including the ban on drink driving
of seat belts in cars. It may have reduced deaths by 5,000 or
the compulsory (3)
wouldn't be repeated.
So how did such an important event (4)
social reform turn into one of the most
ridiculed laws of recent times? Partly it has to do with the way the law is put into practice.
The law is often wrongly blamed for silly restrictions which are made on perfectly innocent
activities. The law was brought in when really awful things happened, to ensure that they
(YYYYMMCO) god edmun nemlonne also
Before the Act was introduced, around 700 workers were dying each year from workplace
accidents and hundreds of thousands were being injured. In 2013 the number of fatalities at
work was down to 148 and non-fatal injuries have dropped by more than 75 per cent. The
reason the Act is important is that it sets out ways to prevent accidents happening rather DED
than reacting to the death and injuries accidents cause, by which time (5)
More than forty years on, the Act has achieved what it set out to do, which is to insist upon
high standards of health and safety in places of work. All we need to do now is to apply the A
law with (6)
common sense that inspired it in the first place.
Choose the correct option (a, b, or c) to complete the text.
The first one has been done for you.
nolts moint is one
0. Example
a) find
b) founded C) found eini to noistub ort
поllaeup o Ils evenА.
a) what
b) which
ON 2 C) who edmun
mumixam ont
a) to
b) that
c) as
anoiundani Istento
a) having
b) wearing c) making noiloup dans son
a) by
hebat (Isupriloromc) in prillid) zamonosobnega
a) they're
b) it's
c) we're
b) a
C) --
a) the