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Dancing is not only a physical activity. It’s also a mental activity that makes you conscious about what you’re doing and how you’re going to do it. I know that dancing comes from the heart and soul therefore, when I dance it’s like nothing else matters. I want to pursue this career and go farther with it. I want to become a professional dancer and I would love to know what are the steps to getting there. What education will I need? Where should I start my long career as a dancer? How much will my pay be? How long will I work until i can retire? Are there multiple jobs I can take as I progress through my career as a dancer? I plan to answer all these in the following essay so I can get an overview of what my future may look like. It’s never…show more content…

You don’t start from the top and then relax. It’s a staircase with pins and needles on it, which you have to step on barefoot and bleed to really want the job. I plan to start during college and join a dance studio to blossom my technique into more advanced methods of dancing. I’ll put myself out there and join many different and new types of dance. This will better prepare me for later on when they assign me different kinds of dances. So it will go in the following order: Dance Student, College Student while attending a studio, Dancer on TV/Music Videos, Dance Teacher and/or…show more content…

Retirement comes early for dancers, usually in their early 40s, because the job tires the dancers body. However, this isn’t the end of dancing all together. After retirement, I will become a dance teacher/choreographer. I want to come back to my hometown of Los Angeles and teach a field of kids from around 12-18. I don’t know when I’ll end my dancing career as a whole. That all depends and when my body will give up on me.